Bangkok Beer & Beverages Co., Ltd.

BIJOFU Junmai Ginjo Junrei TAMA Label

BIJOFU Junmai Ginjo Junrei TAMA Label
  • Brand: Bijofu
  • Prefecture: Kouchi Pref
  • Type: Junmai Ginjo
  • Rice: Matsuyama Mii
  • Alcohol: 16%
  • Sake Meter Value (SMV): +4
  • Rice Polishing ratio: 55%
Serving Temperature:
list checkChill | Room Temperature | Slightly Warm | Warm
Product Details:

Using Ehime Prefecture's Matsuyama-Mii rice polished down to 55% and treating it at a low temperature, it is one of the most recommended items by the brewery. The refreshing taste makes it very easy to drink, and the subtle acidity that spreads inside the mouth adds to the smoothness while enhancing the umami of the rice at the same time.

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