DABADA HIBURI Chestnut Shochu

DABADA HIBURI Chestnut Shochu
- Prefecture: KOUCHI
- Type: Chestnut
- Rice: xxx
- Alcohol: 25%

Product Details:
Praised as ʻthe last clear stream of Japanʼ, the Shimanto River that flows through western Kouchi has the tradition of fishing Ayu fish by swinging flaming torches known as ʻHiburiʼ, whilst at the mountain villages of the Shimanto River “Daba” refers to the place of rest for people to come together.
“Dabada Hiburi” was named after these two symbols representing Shimanto. Richly using the local chestnut of Kouchi prefecture, this shochu has a subtle roasty aroma of chestnut and a soft sweetness on the palate and can be enjoyed in various ways from mixing with warm water to on-the-rocks